Xin Wang
Graduate Student Researcher
imwangxin@gmail.comXin works on neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling methods for transients in FHR. She has developed a point kinetics model coupled with finite volume heat transfer and is currently running sensitivity study with the model. The next step would be to develop methods for reactor transient analysis with coupled Monte Carlo and CFD models.
Xin got her B.S and M.S in Energy and Environment Engineering with an emphasis in thermal technology from INSA de Lyon(France). She also holds an M.S. degree in Nuclear Engineering from INSTN/CEA(France). During her study in France, she has interned at GDF Suez Energy on severe accident analysis, at the Advanced Man-Machine Interface Laboratory on bilateral robotic control, and at the Advanced Multiphase Flow Laboratory on measuring spacer grid effect on two-phase flow.
In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, reading and sleeping.
Xin WangGraduate Student Researcher
Andrew Greenop
Graduate Student Researcher
agreenop@berkeley.eduAndrew is currently working on developing a simulation and measuring the effectiveness of the Coiled Tube Gas Heat Exchanger (CTGH), which is the current design for the heat exchanger that will be used to transfer heat from the molten salt from the FHR to a gas that will be run through a power conversion cycle to produce electricity. He graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics from Christian Brothers University in Memphis, TN. In his spare time, Andrew enjoys running, biking, swimming, reading, and discovering new restaurants.
Andrew GreenopGraduate Student Researcher
Lakshana Huddar
Graduate Student Researcher
lakshana.huddar@berkeley.eduLakshana is primarily involved in characterizing the heat transfer in pebble-bed nuclear reactor cores cooled by fluoride salts. Currently she is leading the design and construction effort of the Pebble-Bed Heat Transfer Experiment (PBHTX), whose primary purpose is to measure heat transfer coefficients in pebble-beds for the range of non-dimensional numbers applicable to PB-FHRs. She obtained an M.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College, London and did an internship at TerraPower in 2013. In her spare time she enjoys studying Sanskrit, reading fiction and non-fiction and cooking with exotic ingredients. She is also a member of the American Nuclear Society.
Lakshana HuddarGraduate Student Researcher
James Kendrick
Graduate Student Researcher
jckendrick@berkeley.eduJames is currently researching the use of simulant fluids in modelling the thermal hydraulic behavior of molten salt systems, specifically fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHRs), using the Compact Integral Effects Test (CIET 1.0) facility located at UC Berkeley. His research in understanding passively-driven decay heat removal systems for FHRs will be used in benchmarking efforts as part of an Integrated Research Project involving many other national university and international organization partners to better understand FHR technologies and eventually license a commercial FHR design. James graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in May 2014 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Certificate.
James enjoys weightlifting, reading, and playing the bassoon in his spare time.
James KendrickGraduate Student Researcher
Christopher Poresky
Graduate Student Researcher
chrisporesky@berkeley.eduChris is currently involved in data collection and analysis for the X-ray Pebble Recirculation Experiment (X-PREX) and transient testing and analysis for the Compact Integral Effects Test (CIET 1.0). He graduated from Rutgers University in May 2015 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a specialization in Energy Systems and has some experience conducting uncertainty and sensitivity analysis on lead-cooled fast reactors at the Technical University of Munich.
Chris enjoys speaking German, writing, and reading in his spare time. He is also a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Christopher PoreskyGraduate Student Researcher
April Novak
Graduate Student Researcher
novak@berkeley.eduApril has recently joined the Thermal-Hydraulics group modeling Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High Temperature Reactors (FHRs). She is currently working on learning the foundations of thermal-hydraulic analysis and design, and is interested in improving the computational models used to assess the FHR design. April will use her Light Water Reactor (LWR) design and operations experience to identify strengths and improvement areas of the FHR design and to place the design within the context of a primarily LWR-oriented industry. Aside from school and research, April enjoys exploring nearby parks and running trails, playing piano, and bowling.