Browsing through the ANS Winer Meeting Program, I made the following list of presentations that are FHR-related, or that may be of interest to those of us working on FHR.
- Analysis of tritium generation in solid fuel molten salt reactor, SINAP, 3:50pm, Capitol Room, Reactor Physiscs General I
- Future Cost of Isotopically-Separated Lithium, MIT, 3.25pm, Embassy Room, Isotopes and Radiation General
- Experimental and Computational Study of Slow and Dense Granular flow in a pebble bed reactor, Missouri Univ Sci Tech, 4:40pm, Embassy Room, Isotopes and Radiation General
- HXs for small modular high temperature reactors, Univ Idaho, 3:25pm, Blue Room, SMR Research and Development I (SMR Embedded Topical Meeting)
- Advanced reactor licensing strategy – a perspective on principal design criteria, NRC, 1:20pm, Blue Room, SMR Research and Development II (SMR Embedded Topical Meeting)
- Phenomena identification and ranking matrix for PB-FHR, UCB, 7:25pm, Congressional A, Thermal-hydraulics code verification and validation II
- Simple and combined cycle power conversion with natural gas co-firing for mobile PB-FHR, UCB, 8:25am, Congressional B, Thermal Hydraulics General I
- Validation of DRACS Performance evaluation, Ohio State, 10:05am, Congressional B, Thermal Hydraulics General I
- Core thermal-hydraylics of the molten salt fast reactor, Grenoble INP, 8:50am, Ambassador Ballroom, Reactor Physics General II
- New and Advanved Reactor Licensing and Risk-Informed Applications, NRC, 3:25pm, Hampton BBallroom, Risk-Informed Decision Making and Regulation I (Risk Management Embedded Topical Meeting)
- Reliability effects of transient-induced degradation, MIT, 3:15pm, Calvert Room, Physics-of-Failure Models (Risk Management Embedded Topical Meeting)
- Method for estimating failure rates of degraded passive components in the NRC significance determination process, PNNL, 3:35pm, Calvert Room, Physics-of-Failure Models (Risk Management Embedded Topical Meeting)
- Technical Basis for Filtered Containment Venting System Requirements, NRC, 4:00pm, Cabinet Room, Reasearch at the NRC
- Two-dimensional calculations for liquid salt cooled reactors. Univ of Tennesse, 1:50pm, Cabinet Room, Reactor Physics General III
- Accelerator-driven subcritical fission in a molten salt core, Texas A&M, 9:40am, Diplomat Ballroom, Nuclear fuel cycle resources, sustainability, reuse and recycle
- Safety and reliability in accelerator-driven subcritical fission in a molten salt core, Texas A&M, 9:40am, Diplomat Ballroom, Nuclear fuel cucle resources, sustainability, reuse and recycle
- Reactor physics analysis of thorium fuel cucles using molten salt reactors, ORNL/UM, 8:50am, Embassy Room, Fuel Cycle Options A physicsl Perspetive
- Assessment of once-through fuel cycles in subcritical systems by a fusion-fission hybrid, Penn State/UCB
- Laser-imaged natural circulation, OSU, 8:25am, Congressional B, Young Professional TH Research Competition
- Double-wall HX for containment and trapping of tritium in salt-cooled reactors, MIT, 8:00am, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV reactors
- External Breakthrough Technologies for Salt-Cooled Reactors, MIT, 8:00am, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV reactors
- Purification of non-uranium bearing fluoride salts, UW, 8:50am, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV reactors
- Licensing strategy for FHR test reactor, MIT, 9:15am, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV reactors
- Commercialization of FHRs, MIT, 9:40am, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV reactors
- External Breakthrough Technologies for Salt-Cooled Reactors, MIT, 8:00am, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV reactors
- Trace elemental analysis of flibe by NAA, MIT, 10:55am, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV reactors
- Flibe salt transfer, corrosion tests, and characterization, UW, 8:50am, Palladian Ballroom, NEUP-Sponsored Research
- The compact intergral effects test facility for FHRs, UCB, 10:05am, Congressional B, Experimental Thermal-Hydraulics III
- Chemical reactivity of molten salt with coke, UW, 10:30am, Congressional B, Experimental Thermal-Hydraulics III
- Directional DRACS HX for FHR, UNM, 10:55am, Congressional B, Experimental Thermal-Hydraulics III
- Wavelet Analysis of flow in fuel gaps of a pebble bed reactor, Texas A&M, Congressional B, Experimental Thermal-Hydraulics III
- Two fluid HX for S-CO2 SFR, KAIST/KAERI, 2:15pm, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV Reactors II
- Energy Mix Grid Aggregation Analysis, Texas A&M, 3:55pm, Empire Ballroom, Advanced/Gen IV Reactors II
- Fission product behavior if FHR, MIT, 1:00pm, Cabinet Room, Reactor Systems and Advanced Measurement
- Fuel performance modeling in FHR, MIT, 1:50pm, Cabinet Room, Reactor Systems and Advanced Measurement
- 3D modeling of PB-FHR commercial plant, UCB, 1:00pm, Palladian Ballroom, NEUP-Sponsored Research
- Non-standard methods for extremely low probability assessments, SNL/NRC, 1:25pm, Hampton Ballroom, Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis (Risk Management Embedded Topical Meeting)